Que: Mr. Weiss considers his company’s move to Canada to be_______.
Ans: successful

Que: Who_________ to inform him that his bid for the apartment renovation had been accepted?
Ans: Called Eric

Que:Russell doesn’t usually work on weekends._________, he will make an exception for this client.
Ans: However

Que:________sent you to deliver the printer?
Ans: Who

Que:PismoCorp spent _________ little on the renovation of their Berlin headquarters.
Ans: comparatively

Que:It Ms. Hernandez ________ for many years at an ad agency, she wouldn’t have so many clients as an independent contractor.
Ans: hadn’t worked

Que:Robert will stay at the job site until 6pm unless Tony ________ to replace him first.
Ans: comes

Que:The manufacturing operation _______ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz was on vacation.
Ans: ran

Que: If I ____________ how to get there. I would walk there by myself.
Ans: knew

Que:Ricardo’s boss ________ him telling the client how to use the software.
Ans: reminded

Que: If Brandon finishes his work by 5:00. He __________ us at the Rosewood Cafe.
Ans: will meet

Que: Three people thanked Ms Genet ________ the village of Newbrook in his speech.
Ans: for Mentioning

Que: The budget report for last year was very __________ researched.
Ans: well

Que: _____________, I will have the report done by next week.
Ans: Whether I take on another job or not

Que:Please continue to use the front entrance _______ a delivery is too large to fit through the door.
Ans: unless

Que:Do you remember _________ to the zoo when you were a child?
Ans: going

Que: ___________is an important ingredient in any soup.
Ans: Salt

Que: _______ the switch on the back of the machine do?
Ans: What does

Que: A huge traffic jam prevented Lila _________ getting to the airport on time.
Ans: from

Que: Five months after he was laid off. Javier succeeded ____________ another job.
Ans: to find

Que:We usually start with the marketing phase. even if we are not finished ________ the development of the product.
Ans: Up

Que: If I ________ my vacation in March. I never would have met Mr. Edwards.
Ans: had taken

Que:No one has figured out exactly ________ caused the power failure.
Ans: what

Que:When _______ us the final draft of the report?
Ans: will you send

Que:When she discovered the briefcase didn’t belong to her, she tried to find out ___________it was
Ans: who’s

Que: The bulky frame made the picture _______ heavy to hang on the wall.
Ans: too

Que: The Vice President __________ a meeting of the senior officers to discuss next year’s budget.
Ans: called

Que:The condition of the merchandise was unacceptable. so I demanded that they give me my money _________.
Ans: back

Que: Monday is a holiday. _________Emily will contact you on Tuesday.
Ans: so

Que:By next February Roger ______ at his new job for six months.
Ans: will be working

Que: Luckily, Mona remembered ___________ an extra set of keys to give to Max.
Ans: bringing

Que: Ms. Costas depends _________ three major accounts for most of her business.
Ans: on

Que: Martin Beale ________ all of the legal matters for RTG Plastics Inc.
Ans: handles

Que: _______ our supplier’s shipment was late. I managed to get most of the order ready.
Ans: Despite

Que: Try to guess the definition of a word without looking it _____________ in the dictionary.
Ans: up

Que:Ms. Elkin had two bags with her when she arrived, _________ ?
Ans: hadn’t she

Que: We are looking to hire someone who has a strong ___________ in management.
Ans: background

Que: No one has yet succeeded ___________ improving on Ms. Glaser’s original design for our company’s logo.
Ans: With

Que: I usually don’t drink ________. but __________they serve at Tom’s Diner is delicious.
Ans: coffee. the coffee

Que: My __________ hard drive is infected with a virus.
Ans: computers

Fiverr U.S English Basic Test Answers

1. The condition of the merchandise was unacceptable, so I demanded that they give me my money _____.

  1. over
  2. back
  3. up
  4. out

2. If Ms. Hernandez _____ for many years at an ad agency, she wouldn’t have so many clients as an independent contractor.

  1. didn’t work
  2. hadn’t worked
  3. wouldn’t have worked
  4. doesn’t work

3. We usually start with the marketing phase, even if we are not finished _____ the development of the product.

  1. with
  2. out
  3. up
  4. off

4. Out of all of us, Jose was the one _____ scored the highest on the exam.

  1. he
  2. who
  3. which
  4. they

5. I’ve never seen specifications as detailed as _____.

  1. this
  2. they
  3. these
  4. their

6. If Brandon finishes his work by 5:00, he _____ us at the Rosewood Cafe.

  1. would meet
  2. meets
  3. met
  4. will meet

7. The budget report for last year was very _____ researched.

  1. well
  2. much
  3. good
  4. complete

8. Ms. Arguello never expected that her podcast would be _____ popular.

  1. so
  2. well
  3. such
  4. much

9. If Rebecca had sent the replacement part for the copier, we _____ it yesterday.

  1. would have received
  2. would receive
  3. had received
  4. received

10. We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management.

  1. training
  2. past
  3. background
  4. history

11. Hiring freelancers is not _____ expensive as bringing in a new employee.

  1. as
  2. much
  3. so
  4. more

12. How _____ from the airport to the hotel?

  1.  you got
  2.  did you get
  3.  got you
  4.  you did get

13. Many people have difficulty _____ the entrance examination for IT courses at the Snell Institute.

  1.  to pass
  2.  on pass
  3.  passing
  4.  pass

14. No one has yet succeed _____ improving on Ms. Glaser’s original design for our company’s logo.

  1.  in
  2.  on
  3.  over
  4.  with

15. _____ someone sends me a text, I get back to them within 10 minutes.

  1. Even though
  2. No matter how
  3. Whenever
  4. Unless

16. Mr. Mettner said that he _____ the security deposit for the apartment.

  1. hasn’t yet received
  2. hadn’t yet received
  3. isn’t yet receiving
  4. didn’t yet receive

17. Martin Beale _____ all of the legal matters for RTG Plastics Inc.

  1. deals
  2. does
  3. handles
  4. organizes

18. By next February Roger ______ at his new job for six months.

  1. will work
  2. will have been working
  3. will working
  4. will be working

19. If you are in town next week, we should have _____ together.

  1. a dinner
  2. dinner
  3. an dinner
  4. the dinner

20. People will be able to set up websites by _____ because the platform is so simple.

  1. itself
  2. themselves
  3. myself
  4. himself

21. The factory floor supervisor started the generator _____ the power had gone out.

  1. while
  2. so
  3. nevertheless
  4. because

22. Ms. Fiallos was not _____ for the truck driver position because she did not have a valid driver’s licence.

  1. available
  2. eligible
  3. convenient
  4. accessible

23. When she discovered the briefcase didn’t belong to her, she tried to find out _____ it was.

  1. who’s
  2. whose
  3. hers
  4. his

24. Sites like Uploadithere.com are _____ way to send large documents.

  1. a best
  2. best
  3. the best
  4. one best

25. The bulky frame made the picture _____ heavy to hang on the wall.

  1. much
  2. too
  3. as
  4. most

26. _____ Wednesday, two of the key people on the design team called in sick.

  1. On
  2. Since
  3. Until
  4. Next

27. When _____ us the final draft of the report?

  1. you send
  2. you will send
  3. send you
  4. will you send

28. Robert will stay at the job site until 6pm unless Tony _____ to replace him first.

  1. came
  2. would come
  3. comes
  4. had come

29. Mr. Weiss considers his company’s move to Canada to be _____.

  1. success
  2. successful
  3. succeed
  4. succeeded

30. Try to guess the definition of a word without looking it _____ in the dictionary.

  1. out
  2. over
  3. up
  4. through

31. The amount of _____ housing in the southern part of the city has increased in the last five years.

  1. afforded
  2. affords
  3. affordable
  4. affording

32. Russell doesn’t usually work on weekends. _____, he will make an exception for this client.

  1. However
  2. Although
  3. Therefore
  4. Meanwhile

33. _____ of us are going anywhere this weekend because there is too much work to do.

  1. No one
  2. Most
  3. All
  4. None

34. The manufacturing operation _____ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz was on vacation.

  1. has run
  2. is running
  3. ran
  4. runs

35. Choose the phrase that has the correct punctuation.First I will send you the document ________________

  1. . Then I will bill you.
  2. : then I will bill you.
  3. ; then I will bill you.
  4. then I will bill you.

36. Luckily, Mona remembered _____ an extra set of keys to give to Max.

  1. to bring
  2. bring
  3. about bringing
  4. bringing

37. Who _____ to inform him that his bid for the apartment renovation had been accepted?

  1. Eric called
  2. Did Eric call
  3. Did call Eric
  4. Called Eric

38. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes the taxi driver said.”
  2. “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.” The taxi driver said.
  3. “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes” the taxi driver said.
  4. “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes,” the taxi driver said.

39. After an hour, the mechanic was able to pull the tire _____ of the wheel.

  1. out
  2. apart
  3. away
  4. off

40. It’s important to put _____ into _____ of any new project.

  1. time, planning
  2. the time, the planning
  3. the time, planning
  4. time, the planning

41. Please forgive me _____ not informing you about the problems we were having with the new software.

  1. on
  2. with
  3. for
  4. about

42. _____ sent you to deliver the printer?

  1. Where
  2. When
  3. Who
  4. Why

43. No one has figured out exactly _____ caused the power failure.

  1. what
  2. they
  3. how
  4. that

44. ___ twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing operating systems for government institutions.

  1. In
  2. By
  3. For
  4. During

45. Ricardo’s boss _____ him telling the client how to use the software.

  1. encouraged
  2. heard
  3. reminded
  4. told

46. The committee _____ the job of quality control to Karl Mertz.

  1. assigned
  2. invested
  3. donated
  4. contributed

47. If I _____ my vacation in March, I never would have met Mr. Edwards.

  1. took
  2. would take
  3. take
  4. had taken

48. Most people prefer sleeping at home _____ sleeping on an airplane.

  1. from
  2. with
  3. for
  4. to

49. Mr. Ibanez gave _____ calling Mr. Hansen after Mr. Hansen never responded to his messages.

  1. in
  2. out
  3. over
  4. up

50. Tomas decided to visit _____ sisters in Amsterdam in April.

  1. its
  2. her
  3. his
  4. their

51. _____ happened after I left work yesterday?

  1. When
  2. What
  3. Where
  4. How

52. Please continue to use the front entrance _____ a delivery is too large to fit through the door.

  1. if
  2. until
  3. when
  4. unless

53. Ms. Elkin had two bags with her when she arrived, _____?

  1. hadn’t she
  2. had she
  3. didn’t she
  4. did she

54. The new operating system should significantly reduce the _____ of time it takes to upload documents.

  1. number
  2. amount
  3. size
  4. quantity

55. _____ the switch on the back of the machine do?

  1. What
  2. Which
  3. Which does
  4. What does

56. The _____ for submissions to the design competition is March 3.

  1. finish
  2. goal
  3. limit
  4. deadline

57. Monday is a holiday, _____ Emily will contact you on Tuesday.

  1. because
  2. though
  3. so
  4. therefore

58. _____ our supplier’s shipment was late, I managed to get most of the order ready.

  1. Despite
  2. Although
  3. Because
  4. So

59. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger three hot dogs and an apple turnover.
  2. The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs, and an apple turnover.
  3. The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than, a hamburger, three hot dogs, and an apple turnover.
  4. The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs and, an apple turnover.

60. Ms. Costas depends _____ three major accounts for most of her business.

  1. for
  2. on
  3. in
  4. after

61. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each other’s work.
  2. Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each others’ work.
  3. Everyone in the copywriting department, always checks eachother’s work.
  4. Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each others work.

62. A huge traffic jam prevented Lila _____ getting to the airport on time.

  1. from
  2. to
  3. for
  4. against

63. Mr. Yee shops at _____ hardware store in his area.

  1. only
  2. an only
  3. the only
  4. a only

64. _____________, I will have the report done by next week.

  1. Either I take on another job or not
  2. Whenever I take on another job or not
  3. Whether I take on another job or not
  4. Neither I take on another job or not

65. _____ is an important ingredient in any soup.

  1. Salt
  2. The salt
  3. A salt
  4. Some salt

66. Now that Ms. Brecht has retired, we all agree it will be difficult to _____ her.

  1. restore
  2. renew
  3. revive
  4. replace

67. The results of the study were inconclusive. _____, more research needs to be done.

  1. Therefore
  2. However
  3. Rather
  4. Althoug

68. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. Sam’ dad’s truck was found without its wheels.
  2. Sam’s dad’s truck was found without its wheels.
  3. Sams dads truck was found without its wheels.
  4. Sam’s dad’s truck was found without it’s wheels.

69. Our marketing strategy is based on _____ experience.

  1. either data or
  2. both data and
  3. neither data nor
  4. not only data also

70. My _____ hard drive is infected with a virus.

  1. computer
  2. computers’
  3. computer’s
  4. computers

71. When Richard arrived at the studio, Nancy _____ the lights for the film shoot.

  1. has set up
  2. set up
  3. had set up
  4. was setting up

72. There are two things you will need to complete this _____ a pair of pliers and a drill.

  1. job;
  2. job,
  3. job.
  4. job:

73. Ms. Lin is _____ careful about criticising other people’s work.

  1. surprisingly
  2. surprising
  3. surprised
  4. None of the above

74. There are no restaurants anywhere near the factory, _____?

  1. there are
  2. are there
  3. there aren’t
  4. aren’t there

75. Leila and Rico moved to Spain, _____ they started a consulting business.

  1. where
  2. which
  3. here
  4. there

76. I usually don’t drink _____, but _____ they serve at Tom’s Diner is delicious.

  1. the coffee, the coffee
  2. coffee, the coffee
  3. coffee, coffee
  4. the coffee, coffee

77. If someone _____ Ms.Langston in advance, she always gives a 5% discount.

  1. paid
  2. pays
  3. had paid
  4. would pay

78. PismoCorp spent _____ little on the renovation of their Berlin headquarters.

  1. compared
  2. comparing
  3. comparatively
  4. None of the above

79. Five months after he was laid off, Javier succeeded _____ another job.

  1. to find
  2. at finding
  3. in finding
  4. on find

80. _____ owns the red truck in the parking lot must move it by 2:30.

  1. Who
  2. They
  3. Whoever
  4. Anyone

81. Jenny spent ten minutes trying to sort out _____ jacket was _____.

  1. whose, her
  2. which, her
  3. whose, hers
  4. which, hers

82. We decided _____ going to this year’s trade fair in Mumbai because we were too busy with current projects.

  1. about
  2. not
  3. for
  4. against

83. I _____ six commercial jingles in the last 3 weeks.

  1. composed
  2. am composing
  3. was composing
  4. have composed

84. The Vice President _____ a meeting of the senior officers to discuss next year’s budget.

  1. called
  2. placed
  3. made
  4. designated

85. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. The only computer, in the office that was new, was a laptop.
  2. The only computer in the office, that was new was a laptop.
  3. The only computer in the office that was new was a laptop.
  4. The only computer, in the office that was new was a laptop.

86. If I _____ how to get there, I would walk there by myself.

  1. know
  2. knew
  3. would know
  4. had known

87. Right at this moment, Leon _____ the delivery truck to the storage facility.

  1. drives
  2. will drive
  3. is driving
  4. has driven

88. That car, __________ owner was arrested by the police, has been parked there ever since. Two of __________ tyres have been stolen.

  1. who’s, his
  2. whose, it’s
  3. whose, its
  4. who’s, its

89. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

  1. home learns its it’s that the to find important kitten way
  2. It’s the kitten that learns important to find its way home.
  3. The kitten learns it’s important that to find its way home.
  4. It’s important that the kitten learns to find its way home
  5. The kitten learns that its way home it’s important to find.

90. Are _______ _______ kids? I haven’t met _______ for ages!

  1. them, your, them
  2. those, my, you
  3. those, your, them
  4. they, my, her

91. Peter was __________ after buying his new bike. He rode it __________ because he didn’t want to reach the class __________.

  1. extremely happy, fastly, late
  2. extreme happy, fast, lately
  3. extreme happy, fastly, lately
  4. extremely happy, fast, late

92. Your friends host a party and someone leaves behind a phone. Which of the following is correct?

  1. Whose phone was left at my friends house?
  2. Who’s phone was left at my friend’s house?
  3. Who’s phone was left at my friends’ house?
  4. Whose phone was left at my friends’ house?

93. I will not oppose your decision. I cannot, _________, approve it.

  1. however
  2. but
  3. yet
  4. therefor

94. Mark _________ us yesterday.

  1. called out
  2. called in
  3. called on
  4. called into

95. Start exercising now. You and ________ partner need to prepare ________ for next month’s marathon.

  1. my, themselves
  2. your, yourselves
  3. your, themselves
  4. my, yourself

96. Will you be able to translate this document ______ French?

  1. to
  2. in
  3. into
  4. Any of the above can be used.

97. There’s always a risk _______ an earthquake in Japan. It’s difficult to concentrate _______ your work, when you know there could be a disaster any minute.

  1. of, in
  2. about, on
  3. for, about
  4. of, on

98. Select the sentence that is punctuated most accurately.

  1. Mushrooms grow very quickly; in fact, after a good rain, it takes only a few hours and you can start picking them.
  2. Mushrooms grow very quickly. In fact, after a good rain it takes only a few hours; and you can start picking them.
  3. Mushrooms grow very quickly in fact. After a good rain; it takes only a few hours and you can start picking them.
  4. Mushrooms grow very quickly; in fact after a good rain it takes only a few hours and you can start picking them.

99. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given. One thing I know about him ____________ .

  1. is that he reads often books.
  2. that is he reads often books.
  3. that is he often reads books.
  4. is that he often reads books.

100. Which of the following sentences illustrate(s) correct verb and verb tense usage?

  1. Joan had never fallen in love until she had met Carl last year.
  2. We have been waiting for the bus for nearly half an hour, but it has still not arrived.
  3. When the old woman had heard that her son was arrested for robbery, she was shocked.
  4. While the kids were playing by the pool, one of them was dropping his ball and trying to get it out himself.

Fiverr U.S English Basic Test Answers [Extra Questions]

1. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.

  1. My friend said, “I must leave as soon as possible.”
  2. My friend said that he must leave as soon as possible.
  3. My friend said that I must leave as soon as possible.
  4. My friend said that he must have left as soon as possible.
  5. My friend said that he left as soon as possible.

2. I _______ my entire childhood in a village in India.

  1. spend
  2. spent
  3. have spent
  4. had spent

3. My headphones are ________ bad shape. I need to invest ________ some new ones.

  1. in, on
  2. in, in
  3. of, for
  4. at, into

4. Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of apostrophes?

  1. In two weeks’ time you’ll have to begin school again
  2. Its such a beautiful day that Ive decided to take skip work.
  3. The dogs bark was far worse than its bite.
  4. Bristols’ harbour is one of the countrys’ most beautiful.

5. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct verb and verb-tense usage?

  1. I loved reading detective novels when I was a kid. By the time I was ten, I had read all the Sherlock Holmes stories.
  2. Make sure you lock your room before you will go out.
  3. I don’t like being disturbed when I was working.
  4. By this time next year, I have finished my MBA.

6. Which of the following sentences is NOT punctuated correctly?

  1.  All of the apple’s at the grocer’s were rotten. so I bought oranges instead.
  2. “Seven canteens full of water should be enough for the hike,” said Tabitha.
  3. Until the stove is fixed, there’s no way I can bake a lemon meringue pie.
  4. The woman, whose name escapes me at the moment, disappeared into the limousine.

7. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

  1. ordinary accidents year items by every of are thousands caused
  2. Thousands of accidents by ordinary items are caused every year.
  3. Ordinary items every year are caused by thousands of accidents.
  4. Every year thousands of accidents are caused by ordinary items.
  5. Every year by ordinary items thousands of accidents are caused.

8. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

  1. animals business it an to after exotic is look expensive
  2. An expensive business it is to look after exotic animals.
  3. To look after exotic animals, it is an expensive business.
  4. It is an expensive business to look after exotic animals.
  5. After exotic animals, it is an expensive business to look.

9. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct pronoun usage?

  1. Him and I are going to see a movie tomorrow.
  2. Who’s coming to the party tonight?
  3. Isabel and Ben are married and he has been married for 30 years.
  4. A student can do almost anything they want without interference.

10. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.I love _______ color red; _________, this shade seems a little too bright.

  1. the, although
  2. the, nonetheless
  3. a, besides
  4. the, instead

11. The cake is delicious. Can I have ____________?

  1. a few more
  2. few more
  3. little more
  4. some more

12. Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?

  1. Unless the world controls its population, mankind will continue to face one problem after another.
  2. Unless the world doesn’t control its population, mankind will continue to face one problem after another.
  3. Unless the world controls its population, until then mankind will continue to face one problem after another.
  4. Unless the world fails to control its population, mankind until then will continue to face one problem after another.

13. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given._____________, I try to keep a positive attitude

  1. Either I am feeling happy or sad
  2. Whenever I am feeling happy or sad
  3. Whether I am feeling happy or sad
  4. Neither I am feeling happy nor sad

14. Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?

  1. The basket was carried by a boy full of fruits.
  2. The queen wore a hat on her head made of jute.
  3. Aunt Betty called her granddaughter who is over ninety.
  4. Your hair badly needs cutting.

15. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

  1. will a letter not next week send you she
  2. She will not next week send you a letter.
  3. A letter she will not send you next week.
  4. Next week, she will send you a letter not.
  5. She will not send you a letter next week.

16. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.The________ ________ flower has bloomed and smells very________.

  1. large dull, sweet
  2. largest dull, sweetly
  3. arger dull, sweetly
  4. largest dullest, sweetly

17. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence._______ decided to buy the house because _______ location would allow _______to get to work very easily.

  1. they, their, them
  2. them, their, their
  3. them, its, it
  4. they, its, them

18. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. “No, the taxi driver said rudely. I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.”
  2. “No,” the taxi driver said rudely, “I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.”
  3. No, the taxi driver said rudely. “I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.”
  4. “No, the taxi driver said rudely.” “I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.”

19. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

  1. bed we when have to to clock go strikes 10 the
  2. We have to go to the clock when bed strikes 10.
  3. When the clock strikes bed we have to go to 10.
  4. We have to go to bed when the clock strikes 10.
  5. When the clock strikes 10 to bed we have to go.

20. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  1. Sam’ dad’s truck was found without its wheels in that old derelict garage.
  2. Sam’s dad’s truck was found without its wheels in that old, derelict garage.
  3. Sams dads truck was found without its wheels in that old, derelict garage.
  4. Sam’s dad’s truck was found without it’s wheels in that old, derelict garage.

21. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

  1. company products enable a to another those distinguish company trademarks its from of
  2. Products from those of another company enable a company to distinguish its trademarks.
  3. Trademarks enable a company to distinguish its products from those of another company.
  4. Trademarks enable to distinguish a company from its products of those another company.
  5. A company to distinguish its products from those of another company enable trademarks.

22. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.Rochelle felt ___________about forgetting her ___________ friend’s birthday.

  1. badly, better
  2. bad, better
  3. badly, best
  4. bad, best

23. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence below without creating a run-on sentence.The results of the study were inconclusive __________.

  1. therefore, more research needs to be done
  2. :therefore more research needs to be done
  3. – therefore more research needs to be done
  4. ; therefore, more research needs to be done

24. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct usage of articles and conjunctions?

  1. You have to be on time; otherwise, you’ll miss the train.
  2. Dennis wore his rain boots; moreover, his feet stayed dry during the storm.
  3. He is a weak leader; instead, he has plenty of supporters.
  4. She has an incredible voice; similarly, she will go far in her music career.

25. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.Natalie wanted to bake _______ cake but didn’t have flour; _________, she decided to make _______ omelette.

  1. a, therefore, an
  2. the, in contrast, the
  3. the, meanwhile, an
  4. a, otherwise, an

26. Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of parallel construction?

  1. Yesterday I cleaned up the bedroom, the living room, and painted the balcony.
  2. Your responsibilities include sorting the mail, answering the phone, and organizing files.
  3. It was both a long lecture and very boring.
  4. His salary is less than his wife.

27. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.

  1. Only when I filled my glass __________.
  2. I did notice that it was broken
  3. did I notice that it was broken
  4. I noticed that it was broken
  5. I notice that it is broken

28. Mary couldn’t help _______ at John’s joke.

  1. laughing
  2. but laugh
  3. Either options could be used
  4. Neither option can be used.

29. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.My brother will apply ___________ some local companies _________ a job as a video editor after graduation.

  1. for, for
  2. with, to
  3. to, for
  4. with, for

30. Which of the following sentences is NOT punctuated correctly?

  1. All of the apple’s at the grocer’s were rotten, so I bought oranges instead.
  2. “Seven canteens full of water should be enough for the hike,” said Tabitha.
  3. Until the stove is fixed, there’s no way I can bake a lemon meringue pie.
  4. The woman, whose name escapes me at the moment, disappeared into the limousine.

31. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence._________ books are available in _________ local store _________ not online

  1. The, the, but
  2. The, a, and
  3. A, an, nor
  4. The, either, or

32. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.His boss told him to finish the report _______ 5 pm. After that, he could go _______ vacation.

  1. at, during
  2. on, on
  3. by, on
  4. after, into

33. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.That book is __________. __________ the same one __________ I gave you last year.

  1. mine, it’s, that
  2. my, its, that
  3. mine, its, which
  4. my, it’s, that

34. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following passage.Carol’s father is very strict. He prohibits her ___________having a boyfriend ___________ she graduates from high school. She spends most of her time in the library, surrounded ___________ books.

  1. by, since, with
  2. from, until, in
  3. from, until, by
  4. to, until, by

35. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.She looked __________ at the __________-looking man.

  1. angry, suspicious
  2. angrily, suspiciously
  3. angrily, suspicious
  4. angry, suspiciously

36. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.”Are you coming with me?” he asked them.

  1. He asked them are you coming with him.
  2. He asked them were you going with me.
  3. He asked them if they were coming with him.
  4. He asked them if they are coming with me.

37. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.Anita lived in Japan for several years. She speaks __________ Japanese and knows the culture very ________.

  1. well, well
  2. good, good
  3. better, good
  4. good, well

38. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.easily question the way understood can most in this be

  1. The question can be easily understood most way in this.
  2. The question can be most easily understood in this way.
  3. In this way, the question most easily can be understood.
  4. In this way, the question be most easily can understood.

39. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.He said, “I like this song.”

  1. He said that he liked that song.
  2. He said I like this song.
  3. He said that he likes that song.
  4. He said that you like this song.

40. Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.I__________ until I __________ all the exam topics.

  1. have not stopped studying, cover
  2. will not stop studying, have covered
  3. will not stop studying, will cover
  4. did not stop studying, have covered

41. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.I need to take care _______ my little sister. She is discriminated _______ at school because she has red hair. Yesterday, a bully punched her. However, my sister didn’t tell _______ the bully.

  1. of, with, to
  2. with, with, with
  3. of, against, on
  4. with, against, on

42. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.__________ people in this company have been working very __________ __________.

  1. More, hardly, lately
  2. Most, hardly, lately
  3. Most, hard, lately
  4. Many, hardly, later

43. Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense. Have you ever been to East Asia?

  1. No, but I had been to East Africa.
  2. Yes, I have been to four East Asian countries.
  3. Yes, I am going to be in Japan next month.
  4. No, I can’t because it’s very far from here.

44. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence below without creating a run-on sentence. I want to start writing books ________________ one this year!

  1. , I hope I write
  2. I hope I write
  3. : I hope I write
  4. ; I hope I write

45. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence. _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave for _________ office again.

  1. No sooner, than, the
  2. Rather, than, an
  3. Whether, or
  4. No sooner, than, an

46. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence. Nicole grew ________ from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite ________ that she needed a long vacation.

  1. tired, obviously
  2. tired, obvious
  3. tiredly, obvious
  4. tiredly, obviously

47. Choose the option that correctly changes the original sentence from active voice to passive voice. ORIGINAL SENTENCE: That tall man is carrying a lot of lumber.REWRITTEN SENTENCES:

  1. The tall man carries a lot of lumber.
  2. Is being carried by that tall man, the lumber.
  3. The lumber is carried by the tall man.
  4. A lot of lumber is being carried by that tall man
  1. Hiring freelancers does not cost _____ as bringing in a new employee.
  • as
  • very much
  • so
  • A lot
  1. _____ it rains _____ not, the show must go on.
  • Whether, or
  • Neither, nor
  • Just as, so
  • Both, and
  1. What meal ______ when she got sick?
  • eating was April
  • April was eating
  • was April eating
  • eating April was
  1. John refuses to try anything new because he’s risk-_____.
  • averse
  • adverse
  • reluctant
  • afraid
  1. I have three items in my backpack ____ a book, a pen, and my wallet.
  • :
  • .
  • ?
  • ;
  1. We will spend the afternoon at the job _____.
  • cite
  • sight
  • site
  • place
  1. I love ham sandwiches ____ only on rye bread.
  • but
  • and
  • or
  • so
  1. ______ seen any good TV shows lately?
  • You did
  • Did you
  • You have
  • Have you
  1. Responses to our new package design have been _____ positive.
  • overwhelm
  • overwhelmingly
  • overwhelmed
  • overwhelming
  1. There isn’t ____ space in the car for four more people.
  • many
  • enough
  • various
  • several
  1. Jenny is so young, ____ she has accomplished so much.
  • so
  • yet
  • if
  • or
  1. After dinner, no one ______ to load the dishwasher.
  • has wanted
  • wanted
  • is wanting
  • wanting
  1. You can’t use your cell phone once you’re _____ the plane.
  • onto
  • above
  • out
  • aboard
  1. ____ is broken and we need to buy ____ new one.
  • Phone, the
  • The phone, a
  • The phone, the
  • Phone, a
  1. Because of the snow, the bus ______ yet.
  • isn’t arriving
  • isn’t arrived
  • wasn’t arrived
  • hasn’t arrived
  1. Jasmine learned _______ five languages when she was a child.
  • to speak
  • speaking
  • of speaking
  • in speaking
  1. ______ if I adjust the thermostat?
  • Mind would you
  • You would mind
  • Would you mind
  • Would mind you
  1. Do you know _____ this door is locked?
  • what
  • why
  • who
  • when
  1. You need a good sense of _____ to enjoy the TV show.
  • humor
  • the humor
  • a humor
  • an humor
  1. Matthias has to work early tomorrow, but he is happy ______ tonight.
  • on going out
  • for going out
  • to go out
  • to going out

22.The meteorologist urged everyone to drive _____ after the storm.

  • slowly
  • slow
  • slowest
  • slowing
  1. Jackie _____ the actor to ask for his autograph.
  • approached
  • approaching
  • approach
  • will have approached
  1. Dinner didn’t start until 9 p.m. because everyone was ____ late.
  • too
  • such
  • so
  • much
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Julie’s’ house is the blue one on the left.
  • Julies house is the blue one on the left.
  • Julies’ house is the blue one on the left.
  • Julie’s house is the blue one on the left.
  1. Does he like to _____ music in his spare time?
  • compose
  • comprise
  • construct
  • form
  1. I yearn _____ a vacation after this difficult semester.
  • on taking
  • to take
  • for taking
  • taking
  1. Who is _____ leader in ______?
  • the oldest, world
  • oldest, world
  • oldest, the world
  • the oldest, the world
  1. If you ____ at the gifts, you’ll ruin the surprise.
  • peak
  • peek
  • pick
  • see
  1. After the next presentation, let’s take a ______.
  • break
  • brake
  • rift
  • interruption
  1. Sue had only positive things to say _____ our party.
  • for
  • as
  • very much
  • so
  • A lot
  1. Christine didn’t like pickles, _____ she ate one anyway.
  • for
  • so
  • while
  • but
  1. When I graduated from college, I ______ to New York City.
  • had moved
  • would move
  • moved
  • will move
  1. Please walk ____ while you move the vase across the room.
  • careful
  • care
  • carefully
  • caring
  1. What _______ to you?
  • does art mean
  • art does mean
  • mean does art
  • does mean art
  1. Roger needs a minute to catch his ______.
  • wind
  • air
  • breathe
  • breath
  1. I only packed three shirts ____ a red one, a black one, and a green one.
  • .
  • ;
  • ,
  • :
  1. I don’t recall ______ anything about extra time off.
  • hearing
  • of hearing
  • in hearing
  • to hear
  1. Don’t forget to take your wallet ____ you.
  • on
  • with
  • at
  • for
  1. William sat ____ me during the play.
  • toward
  • beside
  • circa
  • for
  1. ____ meal comes with a bowl of _____.
  • The, soup
  • An, soup
  • An, the soup
  • The, a soup
  1. You know how to scramble eggs, _____?
  • doesn’t you
  • won’t you
  • don’t you
  • do you
  1. How much _______ when you checked in for the flight?
  • your suitcase did weigh
  • did weigh your suitcase
  • did your suitcase weigh
  • weigh did your suitcase
  1. This store is closed ___ We should try another place
  • ,
  • .
  • :
  1. Samantha decided to turn on the ceiling fan _____ it was too warm.
  • because
  • unless
  • and
  • therefore
  1. We bought ____ food this week.
  • fewer
  • less
  • lesser
  • lower
  1. The jam is on ______ of the fridge.
  • an top shelf
  • top shelf
  • the top shelf
  • each top shelf
  1. Carla needs more ____ before she takes ____ exam.
  • of the sleep, the
  • sleep, a
  • of the sleep, a
  • sleep, the
  1. Justin still ______ yet.
  • hasn’t apologized
  • wasn’t apologized
  • isn’t apologized
  • hasn’t apologizing
  1. Jerry has six daughters, and ____ all live in Las Vegas.
  • them
  • they
  • they’re
  • their

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  1. Carrie is an introvert and tends _____ shy with new people.
  • to be
  • being
  • on being
  • in being
  1. Which answer is correct?

The gift with the red bow is ____

  • yours
  • your’s
  • yours’
  • your’s’
  1. If you leave the bread out, it _______ become stale.
  • would
  • would have
  • will
  • had
  1. Are you the person in charge here ____
  • .
  • ,
  • ;
  • ?
  1. If we take the 9:30 flight, we _____ too late.
  • will arrive
  • arrive
  • would arrive
  • would have arrived
  1. How many guests are we expecting ___
  • .
  • ?
  • !
  • ,
  1. While Mr. Yoo was painting the bedroom, Mr. Kerr _____ furniture from the living room.
  • was removing
  • had removed
  • removed
  • had removed
  1. Would you be interested ____ working for the government?
  • about
  • to
  • for
  • in
  1. We were surprised that Ms. Lafarge is _____ good at product design.
  • such
  • much
  • so
  • most
  1. Melissa was the only one _____ managed to finish the examination on time.
  • which
  • who
  • when
  • she
  1. The hotel _____ we had our company retreat was very clean.
  • where
  • which
  • that
  • what
  1. It took Walter an hour to figure _____ where he had parked his car.
  • out
  • up
  • over
  • in
  1. Please be sure ______ your phone while _______.
  • turning off, driving
  • to turn off, drive
  • turning off, drive
  • to turn off, driving
  1. The thing I don’t like about this restaurant is _____ .
  • a noise
  • the noise
  • some noise
  • an noise
  1. _____ is hard to maintain for several years.
  • some friendship
  • Friendship
  • An friendship
  • Most friendship
  1. The office needs an assistant ____ takes initiative.
  • who
  • whom
  • which
  • that
  1. A ___ of my colleagues attended the conference, so I wasn’t alone.
  • little
  • some
  • few
  • many
  1. _____ Phyllis angry with us for making too much noise?
  • Why
  • Weren’t
  • Were
  • Was
  1. ____ the weather, we have to leave today.
  • In lieu of
  • Regardless of
  • Since
  • Until
  1. We don’t like selfies because we don’t know how to take pictures of _____.
  • ours
  • yourselves
  • us
  • ourselves
  1. I wish Jeremy ____ us about the meeting before today.
  • had told
  • told
  • will tell
  • would tell
  1. Building a new wing for the hotel is impossible. We have _________ the funds.
  • either the land or
  • both the land and
  • neither the land nor
  • not only the land but also
  1. It was a _____ that we both arrived at the same time.
  • coincidence
  • irony
  • happening
  • fate
  1. _____ I win the lottery, I still want to work.
  • As if
  • Even if
  • In order that
  • So that
  1. The hospital needs more _____ with ______ in neurology.
  • the doctors, the experience
  • doctors, the experience
  • doctors, experience
  • the doctors, experience
  1. Don’t forget _____ the oven after ____ the pie.
  • to turn off, remove
  • turning off, remove
  • to turn off, removing
  • turning off, removing
  1. I was ____ surprised that my contract was renewed.
  • very
  • much
  • a lot
  • many
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • “I can’t start the meeting”, said Ms. Lee, “without the entire staff present”.
  • “I can’t start the meeting, said Ms. Lee, without the entire staff present.”
  • “I can’t start the meeting,” said Ms. Lee, “without the entire staff present.”
  • “I can’t start the meeting,” said Ms. Lee, “Without the entire staff present.”
  1. I need a new idea for_____ next script
  • Mine
  • My
  • Me
  • Myself
  1. I finally feel ____ enough to return to work.
  • better
  • best
  • well
  • finer
  1. While Jeffery was traveling in France, he _____ into an old friend from college.
  • was running
  • has run
  • ran
  • runs
  1. The security guard stopped the thief ____ stealing two sweaters.
  • from
  • of
  • in
  • with
  1. Once you finish your paperwork ___ bring it back to the reception desk.
  • ;
  • ,
  • :
  • .
  1. The dog is sleeping _____ the table.
  • in
  • down
  • underneath
  • as
  1. I don’t understand why the 3:10 train from Mumbai _____ yet.
  • didn’t arrive
  • isn’t arriving
  • hasn’t arrived
  • won’t arrive
  1. If we would have left earlier, we ______ on time.
  • will have arrived
  • would have arrived
  • arrived
  • will arrive
  1. Maria is _____ who specializes in _____ .
  • a doctor, the elderly
  • doctor, elderly
  • a doctor, an elderly
  • doctor, elderly
  1. ______ Mr. Goff’s scheduling mistake, the event took place on time.
  • In spite of
  • Because of
  • Whereas
  • During
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Their slogan says, “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says; “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says. “The best barbecue in town.”
  1. Mr. Evans gave everyone a cupcake as a ____ gesture.
  • nice
  • nicely
  • nicer
  • nicest
  1. Please continue to use the front entrance _____ a delivery is too large to fit through the door.
  • if
  • until
  • when
  • unless
  1. On Friday, we’re attending the………housewarming party.
  • Smith’s’
  • smiths’s
  • smiths
  • smiths’​
  1. Ms. Myers commented that _____ she slept in at the hotel was better than _____ she slept in at home.
  • the bed, one
  • bed, the one
  • the bed, the one
  • bed, one
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • June will present chapter one, and Josh will present the rest.
  • June will present chapter one and Josh will present the rest.
  • June will present chapter one and Josh will present, the rest.
  • June will present, chapter one and Josh will present the rest.
  1. Sometimes, it’s dangerous to cook with _____.
  • the heat
  • heat
  • a heat
  • that heat
  1. _____ sent you to deliver the printer?
  • Where
  • When
  • Who
  • Why
  1. No one has figured out exactly _____ caused the power failure.
  • what
  • they
  • how
  • that
  1. We’ll find Gemma’s teddy bear, ______ it is.
  • whereas
  • whenever
  • wherever
  • where
  1. The pest control team will arrive _____ 10 a.m.
  • on
  • for
  • in
  • at
  1. ___ twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing operating systems for government institutions.
  • In
  • By
  • For
  • During

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  1. Malik hasn’t called you today, _____ he?
  • has
  • did
  • hasn’t
  • didn’t
  1. If your phone stops working, ______ a new one?
  • you would have gotten
  • will you have gotten
  • will you get
  • you will get
  1. The doorman won’t allow you to enter _____ you provide identification.
  • unless
  • as long as
  • so
  • without
  1. When you’re done, _____ your books to your room.
  • bring
  • lift
  • send
  • take
  1. To ___ does this coat belong?
  • who
  • what
  • whomever
  • whom
  1. The group is _____ of three experienced doctors.
  • composed
  • made
  • embodied
  • comprised
  1. ____ project won first place in the competition.
  • Mine
  • Me
  • My
  • Myself
  1. Bradley will need help _____ the first semester.
  • on
  • into
  • at
  • throughout
  1. Take an extra layer in case _____ cold in the auditorium.
  • it is
  • it will be
  • it would be
  • it would have been
  1. _____ did Rebecca know that you wouldn’t be coming to work today?
  • What
  • Where
  • How
  • Who
  1. The orchestra’s holiday performance was just _____.
  • delightful
  • delighted
  • delight
  • delighting
  1. Jared plays the violin ___
  • beautiful
  • beautifully
  • beauty
  • nice​
  1. We’ll need five more plates _____ what we already have.
  • on
  • next to
  • past
  • in addition to
  1. The plumber ____ us if we’d had problems with the sink before.
  • asked
  • had asked
  • asks
  • is asking
  1. The committee is interested _______ your thoughts.
  • to hearing
  • for hearing
  • in hearing
  • on hearing

116._____ the avocados have gone bad.

  • Some of
  • A little of
  • Enough
  • Any
  1. If Elsa’s grandmother lived closer, she _____ her more often.
  • would have visited
  • would visit
  • visited
  • will visit
  1. Out of all of us, Jose was the one _____ scored the highest on the exam.
  • he
  • who
  • which
  • they
  1. _____ it’s true that more trees need to be planted, there is still enough shade for the swimming pool.
  • While
  • So
  • Nevertheless
  • Because
  1. The event will start at 6 p.m. sharp ____
  • ?
  • ,
  • ;
  • .
  1. Brendan was sent home early for behaving ______.
  • inappropriate
  • inappropriately
  • inappropriateness
  • bad
  1. She and ____ will meet you at 7 p.m.
  • I
  • me
  • mine
  • myself
  1. Tomas decided to visit _____ sisters in Amsterdam in April.
  • its
  • her
  • his
  • their
  1. I often dream _____ traveling to foreign countries.
  • on
  • over
  • of
  • in
  1. _____ our supplier’s shipment was late, I managed to get most of the order ready.
  • Despite
  • Although
  • Because
  • So
  1. The _____ for submissions to the design competition is March 3.
  • finish
  • goal
  • limit
  • deadline
  1. _____ is an important ingredient in any soup.
  • Salt
  • The salt
  • A salt
  • Some salt
  1. Ms. Kittle brings two forms of identification with her _____ she goes.
  • whoever
  • whatever
  • wherever
  • however
  1. Would it make _____ if I leave tonight instead of early in the morning?
  • a difference
  • the difference
  • an difference
  • difference
  1. It was _____ flight that kept us in _____ for 12 hours.
  • the long, the air
  • long, air
  • a long, the air
  • an long, an air
  1. This morning, my boss said he wanted to talk _____ me.
  • At
  • On
  • To
  • For
  1. Rebecca forgave Jason _____ not contacting her for six months.
  • for
  • from
  • of
  • in
  1. If the bank offers me the job, I don’t think I ____ it.
  • would take
  • will take
  • had taken
  • take
  1. I refuse to _______ Chester’s apology.
  • accepted
  • accept
  • accepting
  • have accepted
  1. You _____ the exam unless you study harder.
  • didn’t pass
  • won’t pass
  • haven’t passed
  • hadn’t passed
  1. _____ it rains today, we’ll have to move the party indoors.
  • But
  • If
  • For
  • As
  1. You haven’t seen my car keys, _____?
  • did you
  • have you
  • you have
  • you did
  1. You need to use a gauge to figure out how much _____ is in your tires.
  • the air
  • an air
  • a air
  • air
  1. It’s a nice house, ____ it’s not my top choice.
  • so
  • nor
  • or
  • but
  1. When the TV show ends, _____ give you my undivided attention.
  • I would
  • I will have
  • I will
  • I
  1. You should slice the pizza _____ so everyone gets a slice.
  • equally
  • equal
  • even
  • equivalent
  1. ____ need to pick a dessert for the reception.
  • Us
  • Our
  • Ourselves
  • We
  1. Sales of the heavy coats have been _____ slow in the summer.
  • predictably
  • predicting
  • predicted
  • predictable
  1. _____ is one of my favorite pastimes.
  • Reading
  • To read
  • To have read
  • Of reading
  1. The picture was taken by an artist _____ name I can’t remember.
  • his
  • whose
  • which
  • their
  1. The driver was able to repair the tire, _____ there were tools in the trunk of the car.
  • although
  • whether
  • as
  • whereas
  1. Professor Grant thought the presentation was _______ unacceptable.
  • completely
  • complete
  • completing
  • completed
  1. I’d like a coffee ____ a tea.
  • except for
  • instead of
  • in case of
  • on top of
  1. A huge traffic jam prevented Lila _____ getting to the airport on time
  • from
  • to
  • for
  • against
  1. I would happiest person alive if I ______the lottery
  • won
  • will win
  • had won
  • win

Read Also: Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2023

  1. ____ coming with us, right?
  • Your
  • You
  • Yours
  • You’re
  1. Dad won’t remember to bring the gifts unless _____ him.
  • you will ask
  • you ask
  • you had asked
  • you would ask
  1. Jan didn’t like _____ the food on the menu.
  • each of
  • every of
  • many of
  • most of
  1. By next month, the company ______ 2,000 self-driving cars.
  • sells
  • will have sold
  • sold
  • has sold
  1. We ______ to tour the campus next week.
  • went
  • are going
  • will have gone
  • gone
  1. Mr. Weiss considers his company’s move to Canada to be _____.
  • success
  • successful
  • succeed
  • succeeded
  1. If Janine had given you constructive feedback, what _______ said?
  • can you have
  • will you have
  • would you have
  • would you
  1. Even if we work until midnight, we ____ miss the deadline.
  • we have
  • we have still
  • still
  • will still
  1. ______ would you like to have the couch delivered?
  • What
  • Whether
  • Who
  • When
  1. I will be there on time unless my flight ______.
  • will have been delayed
  • was delayed
  • is delayed
  • would be delayed
  1. How long is your commute to work ____
  • .
  • !
  • ?
  • ,
  1. The bulky frame made the picture _____ heavy to hang on the wall.
  • much
  • too
  • as
  • most
  1. Make sure you learn every client’s name _____ you can introduce them to each other.
  • unless
  • so that
  • if
  • then
  1. We should have our study group at_____house.
  • You’re
  • Yours
  • Your
  • You
  1. _____ Wednesday, two of the key people on the design team called in sick.
  • On
  • Since
  • Until
  • Next
  1. Ms. Arguello never expected that her podcast would be _____ popular.
  • so
  • well
  • such
  • much
  1. We have ____ food to feed the entire family.
  • any
  • plenty of
  • many
  • few
  1. I’ll be there ______ I can.
  • as though
  • as far as
  • as soon as
  • in order that
  1. The addition of a new rail line has made the northern part of the city much more _____.
  • accessible
  • convenient
  • available
  • eligible
  1. After an hour, the mechanic was able to pull the tire _____ of the wheel.
  • out
  • apart
  • away
  • off
  1. What is _____ ocean in _____?
  • largest, world
  • the largest, the world
  • a largest, world
  • an largest, a world
  1. I ______ the writer’s conference last year.
  • have attended
  • attended
  • am attending
  • will attend
  1. As soon as you wake up, you ____ to take the dog out.
  • would need
  • need
  • have needed
  • had needed
  1. Make sure to take your shoes _____ before you enter Ms. Tanaka’s house.
  • away
  • off
  • down
  • up
  1. Brad said he’d like to ride ____ us.
  • at
  • via
  • in accordance with
  • with
  1. The textbook is ____ world history and geography.
  • on
  • about
  • on account of
  • with
  1. After a three-hour delay, the food still ______.
  • won’t arrive
  • isn’t arrived
  • hasn’t arrived
  • can’t arrive
  1. The worst way to get your way is to shout _____ people.
  • at
  • to
  • on
  • for
  1. Martin Beale _____ all of the legal matters for RTG Plastics Inc.
  • deals
  • does
  • handles
  • organizes
  1. In my opinion, pistachios are better _____ almonds.
  • as
  • than
  • before
  • though
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • “I’ll meet you there” said Jonathan.
  • “I’ll meet you there,” said Jonathan.
  • “I’ll meet you there”, said Jonathan.
  • “I’ll meet you there.” said Jonathan.
  1. Every minute of the play was _____.
  • memorably
  • memory
  • memorizing
  • memorable
  1. We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management.
  • training
  • past
  • background
  • history
  1. No, I didn’t turn ____ the radio.
  • at
  • on
  • out
  • of
  1. I don’t want to go in; there’s a massive ______.
  • cue
  • queue
  • clue
  • chain
  1. _____ the football team is in peak condition.
  • Every
  • Some or Some of
  • Each
  • Most of
  1. I think you used too _____ salt in your sauce.
  • many
  • a lot
  • much
  • large
  1. When my husband comes home, ______ to dinner.
  • we will go
  • we would go
  • we would be going
  • we would have gone
  1. Jorge is talented _______ in English, Spanish, and French.
  • to write
  • at writing
  • on writing
  • for writing
  1. I’ll let you know _____ we arrive.
  • until
  • when
  • so
  • whereas
  1. Could you do ____ a favor?
  • we
  • ours
  • us
  • ourselves
  1. I usually eat healthy, ______ I love the occasional slice of pizza.
  • as
  • wherever
  • although
  • because
  1. Kwame will have hidden the presents _____ we get there.
  • as
  • even though
  • since
  • before
  1. _____ wasn’t the garage closed last night?
  • Why
  • Whether
  • Who
  • What
  1. Without practice, our team will ____ to the Tigers.
  • loose
  • lose
  • lost
  • losing
  1. By 2023, Marcia ______ her second degree.
  • is finishing
  • will finish
  • finishes
  • finish
  1. The principal wants to have a meeting _____ Billy’s behavior.
  • because
  • except
  • about
  • for
  1. You should be more ______ in class.
  • attentive
  • attentiveness
  • attentively
  • attention
  1. During the hurricane, Jose’s home suffered a lot of ______.
  • the damage
  • a damage
  • damage
  • an damage

Read Also: Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2023

  1. One of his least favorite job duties is _____ presentations.
  • giving
  • to give
  • of giving
  • give
  1. To join the organization, you need a lot of ______.
  • money
  • the money
  • each money
  • some money

Which answer is correct?

  1. My ____ engine is making a strange sound.
  • car’s
  • cars
  • cars’
  • car’s’
  1. There’s an extra coffee mug ____ the counter.
  • in
  • on
  • because
  • about
  1. All of the supplies on the table are for ____.
  • I
  • my
  • mine
  • me
  1. You don’t happen to have a pen, ____?
  • don’t you
  • will you
  • do you
  • won’t you
  1. We can only serve beer ____ wine at the event.
  • nor
  • or
  • for
  • unless
  1. _____ new store just opened last week.
  • They’re
  • Their
  • Theirs
  • It’s
  1. You have to take ____ of your medicine to feel better.
  • each
  • all
  • every
  • any
  1. ______ it rains, the garage floods.
  • Every time
  • Although
  • As far as
  • In order that
  1. Gerard’s favorite activity on Sundays is ______.
  • for sleeping
  • in sleeping
  • to sleep
  • sleeping
  1. How ____ milk is needed for this recipe?
  • much
  • many
  • plenty
  • lots of

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • In the end, I knew the right answer
  • In the end, I knew, the right answer
  • In the end I knew the right answer.
  • In the end I knew, the right answer​
  1. Angus sprinted _____ the finish line.
  • till
  • up
  • toward
  • on
  1. Gretchen agreed ______ me with my philosophy homework.
  • helping
  • for helping
  • to help
  • at helping
  1. Did you hear about what ______ to the Smith family?
  • is happened
  • has happening
  • happened
  • happening
  1. I’m going to sleep now because I’m _____ tired.
  • much
  • very
  • a lot
  • many
  1. You are ____ to read the book of your choosing.
  • freely
  • free
  • freer
  • freeing
  1. I will attend the meeting _____ Mr. Williams.
  • in case of
  • in front of
  • by means of
  • in place of
  1. There’s no point _____ the truth.
  • to deny
  • in denying
  • deny
  • for denying
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • After I graduate I’ll move back to Nebraska.
  • After, I graduate I’ll move back to Nebraska.
  • After I graduate, I’ll move back to Nebraska.
  • After I graduate I’ll, move back to Nebraska.
  1. _____ were upset about _____ extra homework.
  • Students, much
  • The students, the
  • The students, many
  • Students, many
  1. ____ don’t usually like the same movies.
  • Them
  • They
  • Me
  • She
  1. When are you going to buy ____ new car?
  • a
  • an
  • those
  • more
  1. I would have cleaned the house if I ______ you were coming.
  • had known
  • know
  • will have known
  • have known
  1. Most of the movie was shot in the _____.
  • desert
  • dessert
  • bare
  • barren
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • How many siblings do you have.
  • How many siblings do you have,
  • How many siblings do you have?
  • How many siblings do you have!
  1. Carol will be successful because she writes ______.
  • beautiful
  • beautifully
  • beauty
  • beauteous
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • I returned the sweater, with the black sequins, yesterday.
  • I returned, the sweater, with the black sequins, yesterday.
  • I returned the sweater with the black sequins yesterday.
  • I returned the sweater with the black sequins, yesterday.
  1. _____ assigned this project to you on such short notice?
  • How
  • Who
  • Why
  • What
  1. If you don’t feel well, you should ____ down.
  • lay
  • rest
  • lie
  • sleep
  1. _____ a bad ninth innings, the team still won.
  • Against
  • Instead of
  • Despite
  • With
  1. If the power goes out, we _____ to use the backup generator.
  • will have
  • will have had
  • had
  • will had
  1. Mr. Weaver was accused ____ falsifying records.
  • of
  • for
  • at
  • to
  1. A protestor climbed _____ the stage during the ceremony.
  • to
  • for
  • onto
  • with
  1. The sale only _____ to select products.
  • goes
  • works
  • applies
  • administers
  1. The Queen’s ____ has lasted for several decades.
  • reign
  • rein
  • rain
  • helm
  1. I’m happy to announce that Ms. Williamson ______ the position.
  • has accepted
  • accept
  • accepting
  • will have accepted
  1. Did you remember _____ the oven when you finished?
  • turning off
  • to turn off
  • on turning off
  • turn off
  1. Figure it out amongst ______.
  • yours
  • yourselves
  • yourself
  • themselves
  1. During the heist, the thief risked _____ caught.
  • on being
  • of being
  • to be
  • being
  1. If I buy the tickets, ______ buy the popcorn?
  • you can
  • you will
  • you
  • will you
  1. Meredith really enjoys _____ satire.
  • writing
  • to write
  • on writing
  • for writing

Which answer is correct?

  1. The Burj Khalifa is the ____ tallest building.
  • worlds
  • world
  • world’s
  • worlds’
  1. _____ Billy failed the test, he still passed the class.
  • Whereas
  • Unless
  • Even though
  • As
  1. It was the ____ movie Jean had ever seen.
  • worst
  • worse
  • bad
  • badly
  1. The college needs a professor ___ specializes in economics.
  • that
  • which
  • who
  • whom
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Sean, the youngest of six, was the familys only college graduate.
  • Sean the youngest of six, was the family’s college graduate.
  • Sean, the youngest of six was the familys only college graduate.
  • Sean, the youngest of six, was the family’s only college graduate.
  1. The venue changed, but ____ closer to home.
  • it’s
  • its
  • its’
  • it
  1. High pitched sounds in the recording are _____ audible, but they can be heard at high volume.
  • specifically
  • easy
  • rather
  • barely
  1. Jessie asked ___ “What are you guys doing after class?”
  • .
  • ,
  • ;
  • ?
  1. No one is allowed in the building _____ they show their ID badge.
  • unless
  • without
  • as long as
  • in case

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  1. I’d like to accept this award _________ Vanessa, who couldn’t be here tonight.
  • despite
  • in spite of
  • with regard to
  • on behalf of
  1. We can’t take the dog _____ while there’s lightning.
  • outside
  • out of
  • about
  • during
  1. If I earn a bonus this year, I ______ to Italy.
  • will have traveled
  • will travel
  • traveled
  • would have traveled
  1. There weren’t any violations, ____?
  • weren’t there
  • were there
  • there were
  • there weren’t
  1. Our family plans ______ to Mexico for the summer.
  • going
  • to go
  • go
  • of going
  1. Eve shouted ____ at the office clerk.
  • angry
  • anger
  • angrily
  • angered
  1. Charles ran ____ the building before the rain started.
  • by
  • into
  • in
  • within
  1. Everyone entered the contest _____ Jill.
  • since
  • into
  • for
  • except
  1. When ______ first place, my parents will be so proud.
  • I win
  • I would win
  • I will win
  • I had won
  1. At noon, the board will announce ____ has been appointed as CEO.
  • what
  • how
  • who
  • whom
  1. Can someone please pass ____ bread?
  • each
  • an
  • a
  • the
  1. The room feels crowded because there are ________ people in here.
  • too much
  • so much
  • too many
  • much
  1. _____ you going on vacation in April?
  • Isn’t
  • Are
  • Did
  • Why
  1. We’re not going on vacation ____ August.
  • since
  • although
  • for
  • until
  1. Caleb’s parents have a meeting with the _____ today.
  • principle
  • dominant
  • first
  • principal
  1. Next Friday, the restaurant ______ at 4 p.m. for dinner.
  • will open
  • has opened
  • opened
  • open
  1. Let me know ______ you’d like to go to dinner.
  • when
  • so that
  • unless
  • as though
  1. _______ is this sweater fashionable, _____ it’s also ethically made.
  • Neither, nor
  • Not only, but
  • Just as, so
  • Rather, than
  1. We can’t leave _____ the driveway is blocked.
  • as though
  • where
  • for
  • because
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter, a new student from Denmark.
  • Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter a new student from Denmark.
  • Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter a new student, from Denmark.
  • Mr. Williams, introduced us to Peter a new student from Denmark.
  1. For stronger bones, your son should drink ____ milk.
  • a
  • the
  • a lot of
  • that
  1. The entire room is reserved for ___.
  • we
  • our
  • us
  • ourselves
  1. Bruce studied hard, ____ he thought the exam was easy.
  • or
  • while
  • so
  • since
  1. I’ve made arrangements ______ at a five-star resort.
  • to stay
  • for staying
  • on staying
  • in staying
  1. ____ bag ripped because it was too full.
  • He
  • His
  • Him
  • Himself
  1. Aunt Ann walked ____ for one hour.
  • quick
  • abrupt
  • brisk
  • briskly
  1. My brother’s sense of humor is nothing ____ mine.
  • like
  • as
  • than
  • on
  1. Georgia ______ there for 15 years.
  • is working
  • works
  • working
  • has worked
  1. Charlie’s letter ____ that he was homesick.
  • inferred
  • designated
  • implied
  • involved

start starting started be starting

  1. Try to _____ in on what the author is saying in the article.
  • sharpen
  • look
  • home
  • hone
  1. It wasn’t _____ film of the year, but it still won _____.
  • the best, awards
  • best, awards
  • best, much awards
  • the best, the awards
  1. We’ll stay at Grandma’s house ____ our visit.
  • during
  • in
  • along
  • through
  1. After the party ____ we should head home.
  • ,
  • .
  • ;
  • !
  1. My flight is delayed because the aircraft ______ yet.
  • isn’t arriving
  • hasn’t arrived
  • isn’t arrived
  • doesn’t arrive
  1. I _____ into an old friend from high school last night.
  • ran
  • run
  • was running
  • had run
  1. The ______ new house had a finished basement with a wine cellar.
  • Johnson’s
  • Johnsons’
  • Johnsons
  • Johnsons’s
  1. Next August, the entire cast ______ to France for the premiere.
  • had traveled
  • was traveling
  • traveled
  • will travel
  1. I’ve loved reading _____ I was just 5 years old.
  • because
  • though
  • after
  • since
  1. _____ neighborhood has the best school district?
  • Which
  • Who
  • Why
  • Where
  1. I hope the weather clears up so we __________ for a walk.
  • will have went
  • have went
  • will go
  • can go
  1. How will the organization be ______ by these changes?
  • effective
  • affective
  • effected
  • affected
  1. _____ are organizing the potluck dinner.
  • We
  • Us
  • Our
  • Ours
  1. How will the weather ____ the construction project?
  • affect
  • effect
  • threat
  • realize
  1. Miriam skipped the party ____ she was ill.
  • because
  • where
  • if
  • so
  1. The historic home ______ 100 years ago.
  • has been constructed
  • is being constructed
  • was constructed
  • is constructed
  1. The students must walk in an _____ fashion.
  • ordered
  • order
  • ordering
  • orderly
  1. The train is never on time when I ______ late.
  • am running
  • ran
  • will run
  • will have run
  1. Yesterday, the entire family ______ their gifts at the same time.
  • opened
  • opening
  • is opening
  • open
  1. Today’s heat is just too much to ______.
  • bear
  • beer
  • bare
  • give

Read Also: Fiverr English Test Questions & Answers 2023

  1. We must leave now because we have _____ time to spare.
  • little
  • few
  • a few
  • less
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • You didn’t finish the homework did you?
  • You didn’t finish the homework, did you?
  • You didn’t finish, the homework did you?
  • You didn’t finish the homework did, you?
  1. ______ should we go when the assembly is over?
  • Where
  • What
  • Who
  • Whether
  1. Billy can publish anything on his blog ________ it’s true.
  • whereas
  • so that
  • wherever
  • as long as
  1. We have to turn _____ all phones during dinner.
  • off
  • out
  • for
  • with
  1. _____ James _____ Jessie are getting promoted.
  • Whether, or
  • As much, as
  • Both, and
  • Just as, so
  1. If ______ my help, you can reach me at my desk.
  • you had needed
  • you have needed
  • you would need
  • you need
  1. _____ time should we start the meeting?
  • When
  • Who
  • What
  • Why
  1. If you’re not feeling well, ______ come to the office.
  • you should not
  • you will have
  • you have
  • you would have
  1. Kim suggested _____ at 5 p.m. to discuss our progress.
  • to meeting
  • of meeting
  • meeting
  • for meeting
  1. I washed your t-shirt because it was _____.
  • oil
  • oily
  • oiled
  • oils
  1. _____ Mr. Smith _____ Ms. Brown could chaperone the dance.
  • Whether, or
  • Neither, nor
  • Rather, than
  • Not only, but
  1. We need to clean up and put everything in ____ place.
  • it
  • its
  • it’s
  • its’
  1. Which sentence is correct?
  • Because Gary practices every day, so he is a great pianist.
  • Because Gary practices every day, so is a great pianist.
  • Because Gary practices every day, he is a great pianist.
  • Because Gary practices every day, as he is a great pianist.
  1. I don’t know where I left ___ keys.
  • mine
  • my
  • me
  • I
  1. Everyone laughed when the cat climbed ____ the stage.
  • onto
  • out
  • for
  • at
  1. Do you know _____ the boys have left yet?
  • why
  • when
  • if
  • where
  1. “I can help,____ said Mrs. Wilson.
  • ,
  • .
  • ;
  1. If we close the store now, _____ we lose money?
  • will
  • what
  • who
  • why
  1. Bobby was frequently late for work, ____ he received a great performance review.
  • yet
  • for
  • so
  • while
  1. Randy pretended ______ the meal even though he dislikes broccoli.
  • to enjoy
  • enjoying
  • on enjoying
  • for enjoying
  1. One of the main symptoms of the virus is _____.
  • nauseated
  • nausea
  • nauseous
  • disgust
  1. Everyone will have a chance to say their ____ during the meeting.
  • peace
  • place
  • piece
  • chunk
  1. In tonight’s game, the Celtics will play ____ the Bulls.
  • amidst
  • circa
  • against
  • unlike

** Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase.

  1. If I _____ how to get there, I would walk there by myself.
  • know
  • knew
  • would know
  • had known
  1. James has to start over because he cleaned his room _____.
  • sloppy
  • sloppily
  • sloppier
  • sloppiest
  1. Neither Phoebe ____ Rachel admitted to breaking the glass.
  • nor
  • for
  • either
  • and
  1. I haven’t seen Joanna ____ last Friday.
  • from
  • on
  • since
  • at
  1. Mrs. Briar chose ____ for the job.
  • me
  • I
  • my
  • myself

** Which answer is correct?

  1. Which van should we take – ____ or ours?
  • they’re’s
  • there’s
  • theirs
  • theirs’
  1. We could drive instead _______ an Uber.
  • of taking
  • of take
  • on taking
  • take
  1. Carl and ___ are the only chaperones for the field trip.
  • me
  • I
  • my
  • mine
  1. The band started playing after _____.
  • you went
  • you are leaving
  • you were leaving
  • you left
  1. Which of these coats is ____?
  • yours
  • yours’
  • your’s
  • your’s’
  1. The girl with the _____ hair is Jenny.
  • curl
  • curling
  • curly
  • curled
  1. I still need to ____ out my ideas for the book.
  • flush
  • flesh
  • rinse
  • let
  1. Where ______ purchased?
  • was the coat
  • the coat was
  • coat was the
  • was coat the
  1. When Dylan was young, he dreamed ___ becoming a firefighter.
  • of
  • over
  • off
  • in
  1. Paul threw out the bottle because he _______ it was yours.
  • won’t know
  • didn’t know
  • doesn’t know
  • won’t have known
  1. I anticipate ______ the project complete by Tuesday.
  • to have
  • having
  • of having
  • for having
  1. _____ are sharing one hotel suite for the entire trip.
  • They
  • Them
  • Themselves
  • Their
  1. You will only get a promotion if ______ hard.
  • you would work
  • you could work
  • you work
  • you would have worked
  1. When Mauricio ____ through the front door, everyone will yell, “Surprise!”
  • walked
  • will walk
  • walks
  • walk
  1. Are you interested ______ us for dinner?
  • joining
  • of joining
  • in joining
  • in join
  1. The audience doesn’t care ______ questions.
  • for asking
  • to ask
  • on asking
  • asking
  1. This basketball needs more air because it’s not ____ enough.
  • bounce
  • bounced
  • bouncing
  • bouncy
  1. Briana will clean the kitchen _____ Edward vacuums the rugs.
  • while
  • though
  • as if
  • whereas
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • My parents’ new car has more modern features than your parents’.
  • My parent’s new car has more modern features than your parents.
  • My parents’ new car has more modern features than your parents.
  • My parents new car has more modern features than your parents’.
  1. For our homework, we have to listen ____ a podcast.
  • to
  • in
  • on
  • for
  1. Every driver must show proof of ____ insurance.
  • they
  • them
  • they’re
  • their

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  1. When ______ the good news?
  • will Sherrie share
  • Sherrie will share
  • will share Sherrie
  • share will Sherrie
  1. You shouldn’t carry ____ much cash when you travel abroad.
  • thus
  • such
  • to
  • so
  1. The recent cold weather is the _____ reason for the decline in occupancy.
  • most
  • extreme
  • primary
  • highest
  1. As usual, Mr. Park had _____ for breakfast before he left for _____.
  • the coffee, the work
  • coffee, work
  • coffee, the work
  • a coffee, a work
  1. After _____, I rode my bicycle to work.
  • to eat
  • that eat
  • eating
  • that eating
  1. The _____ largest gym has both a steam room and a sauna.
  • hotel
  • hotels’
  • hotels
  • hotel’s
  1. Many of the employees complained ______ the management over low pay.
  • at
  • to
  • around
  • over
  1. It wasn’t _____ play Ms. Yee had ever seen, but it was _____ one.
  • best, the good
  • the best, good
  • the best, the good
  • the best, a good
  1. Peter lost control of his car and just missed crashing _____ a wall.
  • into
  • on
  • with
  • to
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • The emperor was wearing no clothes which was quite obvious to Beverly.
  • The emperor, was wearing no clothes which was quite obvious to Beverly.
  • The emperor was wearing no clothes which, was quite obvious to Beverly.
  • The emperor was wearing no clothes, which was quite obvious to Beverly.
  1. Max was completely _____ with trying to complete his dissertation.
  • fed up
  • interested
  • excited
  • upset
  1. _____ at high elevation contains less _____.
  • The air, the oxygen
  • Air, the oxygen
  • The air, oxygen
  • Air, oxygen
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived before we did didn’t she?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived, before we did, didn’t she?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived before we did, didn’t she?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived before we did. Didn’t she?
  1. We didn’t use all of the gasoline, so the _____ should be enough to get you to the station.
  • residual
  • left
  • remnant
  • remainder
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • The watch with the black dial was repaired and returned.
  • The watch, with the black dial was repaired and returned.
  • The watch, with the black dial was, repaired and returned.
  • The watch with the black dial was repaired, and returned.
  1. It remains unclear whether it is more _____ to attract new customers or to retain existing ones.
  • profit
  • profiting
  • profitable
  • profit
  1. I wish it would stop raining so that I _____ outside.
  • could have gone
  • had gone
  • could go
  • went
  1. I found my friends seated _____ the front row of the theater.
  • at
  • on
  • up
  • in
  1. How _____ to repair six computers in an hour?
  • did you manage
  • managed you
  • you did manage
  • you managed
  1. Seeing this snow globe reminds me _____ to Clear Lake every winter with my family.
  • to go
  • of going
  • for going
  • go
  1. Joseph wasn’t home when you went to visit him, _____ he?
  • wasn’t
  • did
  • didn’t
  • was
  1. The concert started late, _____ annoyed a lot of people.
  • where
  • which
  • that
  • there
  1. How many documents _____ yesterday?
  • did you have to sign
  • you had to sign
  • had you to sign
  • you did sign
  1. Let’s hope Ms. Noor finds a good job _____ she goes.
  • whatever
  • wherever
  • whatever
  • whoever
  1. Jason discovered the small piece of metal in the engine _____ was causing all the problems.
  • that
  • who
  • it
  • what
  1. Mr. Faisal said that he _____ David since yesterday morning.
  • didn’t see
  • hasn’t seen
  • wasn’t seeing
  • hadn’t seen
  1. Ms. Cepeda’s designs were _____ detailed that there was no need to revise them.
  • as
  • much
  • so
  • more
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • The tallest man who was from Sweden introduced me to Jennifer.
  • The tallest man, who was from Sweden introduced me to Jennifer.
  • The tallest man who was from Sweden, introduced me to Jennifer.
  • The tallest man, who was from Sweden, introduced me to Jennifer.
  1. OLP airlines is looking for _____ with _____ in international flight.
  • pilots, experience
  • the pilots, experience
  • pilots, the experience
  • the pilots, the experience
  1. I wish George _____ me about the bad acoustics in the room before I took the stage.
  • had warned
  • warned
  • will warn
  • would warn
  1. The lifetime warranty only _____ to tools that have not been refurbished.
  • works
  • gives
  • donates
  • applies
  1. Unfortunately, there wasn’t _____ left after the picnic.
  • any bread
  • some bread
  • a bread
  • the bread
  1. What would you have done if Ms. Adams _____ the package unopened?
  • returned
  • has returned
  • returns
  • had returned
  1. _____ Igor go every day after he finishes work?
  • When
  • What does
  • Where does
  • How
  1. Let’s listen _____ what Mr. Freund says about increasing our revenue.
  • at
  • for
  • in
  • to
  1. The _____ of money required to rebuild the engine is more than a new one would cost.
  • number
  • result
  • amount
  • size
  1. Deliveries from SpeedCo are _____ punctual.
  • reliably
  • reliable
  • rely
  • relying
  1. We never know if Ms. Lee is going to arrive at the office _____ time.
  • at
  • for
  • on
  • over
  1. The steel _____ from our plant in Germany increased by 17% last year.
  • number
  • amount
  • quantity
  • output
  1. Do you know if Roger got _____ he applied for _____ week?
  • job, last
  • the job, last
  • job, the last
  • the job, a last
  1. Most of the antiques in the shop are in excellent _____.
  • quality
  • value
  • condition
  • worth
  1. Peter saw Rebecca crossing the street when he was stopped _____ the traffic light.
  • at
  • on
  • in
  • with
  1. Ms. Okung insisted _____ for my dinner last night.
  • in paying
  • to pay
  • on paying
  • pay
  1. There was an unexpected guest at the conference, _____ an extra chair was brought in.
  • while
  • although
  • so
  • because
  1. The bicycle will have to be _____ so that it can fit into a shipping crate.
  • repainted
  • dismantled
  • repaired
  • demolished
  1. Yuko doesn’t like to spend money _____ jewelry or cars.
  • with
  • over
  • for
  • on
  1. Tomorrow Ms. Rogers will tell us _____ she has decided to do.
  • which
  • who
  • what
  • how
  1. Mr. Lanza has a very _____ attitude for such a young man.
  • maturing
  • matured
  • maturation
  • mature
  1. _____ ever seen the Northern Lights?
  • You have
  • You did
  • Have you
  • Did you

400._____ of the six people who attended the concert stayed until the final song.

  • No one
  • Neither
  • No
  • None

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  1. I sometimes visit my grandmother in Prague, _____ is quite close to my home.
  • which
  • that
  • she
  • where
  1. You didn’t have to carry your passport with you, _____?
  • you did
  • you had
  • had you
  • did you
  1. When _____ to tell us what our next assignment is going to be?
  • Tom is going
  • Tom will
  • Tom goes
  • is Tom going
  1. Ms. Baker found the conference to be rather _____.
  • bore
  • boring
  • bored
  • boringly
  1. Investigators accused Mr. Russell _____ money from the safe.
  • steal
  • to steal
  • stealing
  • of stealing
  1. Mr. Bellini _____ yet because his plane is delayed.
  • didn’t arrive
  • doesn’t arrive
  • hasn’t arrived
  • isn’t arriving
  1. I encourage you to think _____ where you want to be in five years.
  • in
  • to
  • about
  • into
  1. Mr. Staley congratulated Deborah _____ the award.
  • on win
  • to win
  • on winning
  • for winning
  1. Charles _____ to meet his fiancée in Japan on her birthday next August.
  • goes
  • is going
  • will have gone
  • went
  1. Most people can’t repair an automobile all by _____.
  • himself
  • itself
  • myself
  • themselves
  1. As we speak, Ms. Luo _____ her way here from Germany.
  • makes
  • will make
  • has made
  • is making
  1. In six months PLK Manufacturing’s Delhi factory will be completely _____.
  • operational
  • operated
  • operate
  • operation

413._____ checkout time is 11am, exceptions can always be made as a courtesy to guests.

  • However
  • Although
  • Therefore
  • Meanwhile
  1. If I had known his phone number, I _____ him.
  • would call
  • will call
  • would have called
  • called
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because it’s bigger than hers’.
  • Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because its bigger than hers.
  • Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because it’s bigger than hers
  • Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because its bigger than her’s.
  1. Ruth does not want to work full time, but she is open _____ in on a freelance basis.
  • coming
  • to come
  • to coming
  • for to come
  1. Ms. Melani would like to see all essays from this year, including _____ that are not finished yet.
  • these
  • them
  • those
  • theirs
  1. After you fill out the form completely _____ the doctor will see you.
  • ;
  • ,
  • .
  • :
  1. John is bringing a water bottle with him in case he _____ thirsty.
  • got
  • gets
  • is getting
  • will get
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Mr. Bogojevic said that he had watched the entire tennis match.
  • Mr. Bogojevic said, that he had watched the entire tennis match.
  • Mr. Bogojevic said that “he had watched the entire tennis match.”
  • Mr. Bogojevic said that: he had watched the entire tennis match.
  1. Pamela has three computers, all of _____ are very old.
  • them
  • that
  • these
  • which
  1. For the past ten years, MotoCorp _____ the world’s most fuel-efficient cars.
  • has built
  • has been building
  • built
  • builds
  1. Ms. Neruda has a very positive attitude _____ her work.
  • toward
  • with
  • in
  • of
  1. It began to rain just as the party goers _____.
  • were leaving
  • are leaving
  • left
  • have left
  1. The critics said that the movie was _____ funny.
  • outrageous
  • outrage
  • outraging
  • outrageously
  1. _____ the weather was perfect, the groundbreaking ceremony had to be postponed.
  • Therefore
  • However
  • Because
  • Although
  1. Do you know _____ Judy has arrived in Salzburg yet?
  • when
  • whether
  • why
  • where
  1. Mr. Guo’s ideas about international relations were _____ extreme than we expected.
  • as
  • much
  • so
  • more
  1. By this time last year, this company _____ 500 printing presses.
  • had sold
  • sold
  • has sold
  • sells
  1. So far this week, I _____ three seminars about the future of aviation.
  • have attended
  • attended
  • am attending
  • will attend
  1. Surprisingly, guests have a _____ to use the indoor pool in the summer.
  • trend
  • tendency
  • movement
  • habit
  1. Leila turned _____ the job because she didn’t want to spend her time in sales.
  • down
  • over
  • off
  • back
  1. If the customer signs the receipt, we _____ responsible for the lost package.
  • wouldn’t have been
  • aren’t
  • hadn’t been
  • haven’t been
  1. Ms. Johnson complained that there was no heat in her room. _____, the mechanic was working on the boiler.
  • Meanwhile
  • Though
  • After
  • Despite
  1. _____ asked you to finish the project by Friday?
  • When
  • Who
  • How
  • What
  1. Would you choose a career as _____ instructor?
  • the flight
  • flight
  • an flight
  • a flight
  1. _____ we need to do is examine why our business has slowed down.
  • Why
  • That
  • Which
  • What
  1. Nori loves to sit on a bench atop the cliff near her house and look out over _____.
  • an ocean
  • the ocean
  • ocean
  • a ocean
  1. Before I applied _____ the job, I researched the company.
  • to
  • on
  • at
  • for
  1. There weren’t more than five people at the demonstration, _____?
  • there were
  • there weren’t
  • weren’t there
  • were there
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • The only person who was interested in the job was Michael.
  • The only person, who was interested in the job was Michael.
  • The only person, who was interested in the job, was Michael.
  • The only person who was interested in the job, was Michael.
  1. There was a sweater left behind at the party, but Ichiro couldn’t figure out _____ it was.
  • theirs
  • who’s
  • whose
  • their
  1. Jenny spent ten minutes trying to sort out _____ jacket was _____.
  • whose,
  • her which,
  • her whose,
  • hers which, hers
  1. The research department found that adding more oxygen to the mixture was the solution _____ the problem.
  • of
  • in
  • for
  • to
  1. By the end of this year, Joseph _____ his book about Italian furniture.
  • will complete
  • is completing
  • completes
  • will have completed

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  1. Luckily, we brought extra food. _____, we would have gotten very hungry.
  • Otherwise
  • Still
  • Thus
  • However
  1. It costs $125 to _____ your membership to the gym every year.
  • replace
  • renew
  • remove
  • reconnect
  1. Employees’ suggestions to management may be _____ so that employees can feel free to express their thoughts.
  • anonymous
  • correct
  • impersonal
  • unknown
  1. Ms. Sanders can’t remember _____ in the hospital when she was three years old.
  • to be
  • of being
  • being
  • about be
  1. The electric cart doesn’t have a reverse gear, _____?
  • has it
  • does it
  • hasn’t it
  • doesn’t it
  1. Ms. Hassan got _____ the bus and walked three blocks to her cousin’s house.
  • on
  • off
  • out
  • away
  1. High pitched sounds in the recording are _____ audible, but they can be heard at high volume.
  • specifically
  • easy
  • rather
  • barely
  1. Do you know _____ gone?
  • where has Tom
  • Tom has where
  • where Tom has
  • has Tom where
  1. Dr. Wurtz didn’t know that the briefcase in the corner was _____.
  • his
  • him
  • he
  • he’s
  1. The condition of the merchandise was unacceptable, so I demanded that they give me my money _____.
  • over
  • back
  • up
  • out
  1. If Ms. Hernandez _____ for many years at an ad agency, she wouldn’t have so many clients as an independent contractor.
  • didn’t work
  • hadn’t worked
  • wouldn’t have worked
  • doesn’t work
  1. We usually start with the marketing phase, even if we are not finished _____ the development of the product.
  • with
  • out
  • up
  • off
  1. I’ve never seen specifications as detailed as _____.
  • this
  • they
  • these
  • their
  1. If Brandon finishes his work by 5:00, he _____ us at the Rosewood Cafe.
  • would meet
  • meets
  • met
  • will meet
  1. The budget report for last year was very _____ researched.
  • well
  • much
  • good
  • complete
  1. If Rebecca had sent the replacement part for the copier, we _____ it yesterday.
  • would have received
  • would receive
  • had received
  • received
  1. We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management.
  • training
  • past
  • background
  • history
  1. Hiring freelancers is not _____ expensive as bringing in a new employee.
  • as
  • much
  • so
  • more
  1. How _____ from the airport to the hotel?
  • you got
  • did you get
  • got you
  • you did get
  1. Many people have difficulty _____ the entrance examination for IT courses at the Snell Institute.
  • to pass
  • on pass
  • passing
  • pass
  1. No one has yet succeed _____ improving on Ms. Glaser’s original design for our company’s logo.
  • in
  • on
  • over
  • with
  1. _____ someone sends me a text, I get back to them within 10 minutes.
  • Even though
  • No matter how
  • Whenever
  • Unless
  1. Mr. Mettner said that he _____ the security deposit for the apartment.
  • hasn’t yet received
  • hadn’t yet received
  • isn’t yet receiving
  • didn’t yet receive
  1. By next February Roger ______ at his new job for six months.
  • will work
  • will have been working
  • will working
  • will be working
  1. If you are in town next week, we should have _____ together.
  • a dinner
  • dinner
  • an dinner
  • the dinner
  1. People will be able to set up websites by _____ because the platform is so simple.
  • itself
  • themselves
  • myself
  • himself
  1. The factory floor supervisor started the generator _____ the power had gone out.
  • while
  • so
  • nevertheless
  • because
  1. Ms. Fiallos was not _____ for the truck driver position because she did not have a valid driver’s licence.
  • available
  • eligible
  • convenient
  • accessible
  1. When she discovered the briefcase didn’t belong to her, she tried to find out _____ it was.
  • who’s
  • whose
  • hers
  • his
  1. Sites like Uploadithere.com are _____ way to send large documents.
  • a best
  • best
  • the best
  • one best
  1. When _____ us the final draft of the report?
  • you send
  • you will send
  • send you
  • will you send
  1. Robert will stay at the job site until 6pm unless Tony _____ to replace him first.
  • came
  • would come
  • comes
  • had come
  1. Try to guess the definition of a word without looking it _____ in the dictionary.
  • out
  • over
  • up
  • through
  1. This house doesn’t have an attic, ____?
  • won’t it
  • doesn’t it
  • it does
  • does it
  1. I _____ six commercial jingles in the last 3 weeks.
  • I have composed
  • I had composed
  1. _______ Julie’s car was brand new, it had mechanical problems.
  • As though
  • So that
  • In order that
  • Even though
  1. What ______ about your performance?
  • say she did
  • she did say
  • did she say
  • did say she
  1. _____ the name of your new boss?
  • Why’s
  • Whose
  • What’s
  • Which is
  1. ____ roof has sprung a leak.
  • The
  • An
  • A lot of
  • Some
  1. The game show was hosted by an actor ____ name I can’t recall.
  • whom
  • who
  • whose
  • which
  1. Remember _____ the garage after ______ your project.
  • closing, finishing
  • closing, to finish
  • to close, finishing
  • to close, finish
  1. The company decided ___ logo was outdated.
  • it’s
  • it
  • its or That
  • itself
  1. The results of the study were inconclusive. _____, more research needs to be done.
  • Therefore
  • However
  • Rather
  • Althoug
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Sam’ dad’s truck was found without its wheels.
  • Sam’s dad’s truck was found without its wheels.
  • Sams dads truck was found without its wheels.
  • Sam’s dad’s truck was found without it’s wheels.
  1. Our marketing strategy is based on _____ experience.
  • either data or
  • both data and
  • neither data nor
  • not only data also
  1. The amount of _____ housing in the southern part of the city has increased in the last five years.
  • afforded
  • affords
  • affordable
  • affording
  1. Russell doesn’t usually work on weekends. _____, he will make an exception for this client.
  • However
  • Although
  • Therefore
  • Meanwhile
  1. _____ of us are going anywhere this weekend because there is too much work to do.
  • No one
  • Most
  • All
  • None
  1. The manufacturing operation _____ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz was on vacation.
  • has run
  • is running
  • ran
  • runs
  1. Choose the phrase that has the correct punctuation.

First I will send you the document ________________

  • . Then I will bill you.
  • : then I will bill you.
  • ; then I will bill you.
  • then I will bill you.
  1. Luckily, Mona remembered _____ an extra set of keys to give to Max.
  • to bring
  • bring
  • about bringing
  • bringing
  1. Who _____ to inform him that his bid for the apartment renovation had been accepted?
  • Eric called
  • Did Eric call
  • Did call Eric
  • Called Eric
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes the taxi driver said.”
  • “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.” The taxi driver said.
  • “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes” the taxi driver said.
  • “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes,” the taxi driver said.
  1. It’s important to put _____ into _____ of any new project.
  • time, planning
  • the time, the planning
  • the time, planning
  • time, the planning

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  1. Please forgive me _____ not informing you about the problems we were having with the new software.
  • on
  • with
  • for
  • about
  1. Ricardo’s boss _____ him telling the client how to use the software.
  • encouraged
  • heard
  • reminded
  • told
  1. The committee _____ the job of quality control to Karl Mertz.
  • assigned
  • invested
  • donated
  • contributed
  1. If I _____ my vacation in March, I never would have met Mr. Edwards.
  • took
  • would take
  • take
  • had taken
  1. Most people prefer sleeping at home _____ sleeping on an airplane.
  • from
  • with
  • for
  • to
  1. Mr. Ibanez gave _____ calling Mr. Hansen after Mr. Hansen never responded to his messages.
  • in
  • out
  • over
  • up
  1. _____ happened after I left work yesterday?
  • When
  • What
  • Where
  • How
  1. Ms. Elkin had two bags with her when she arrived, _____?
  • hadn’t she
  • had she
  • didn’t she
  • did she
  1. The new operating system should significantly reduce the _____ of time it takes to upload documents.
  • number
  • amount
  • size
  • quantity
  1. _____ the switch on the back of the machine do?
  • What
  • Which
  • Which does
  • What does
  1. Monday is a holiday, _____ Emily will contact you on Tuesday.
  • because
  • though
  • so
  • therefore
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger three hot dogs and an apple turnover.
  • The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs, and an apple turnover.
  • The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than, a hamburger, three hot dogs, and an apple turnover.
  • The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs and, an apple turnover.
  1. Ms. Costas depends _____ three major accounts for most of her business.
  • for
  • on
  • in
  • after
  1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each other’s work.
  • Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each others’ work.
  • Everyone in the copywriting department, always checks eachother’s work.
  • Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each others work.
  1. Mr. Yee shops at _____ hardware store in his area.
  • only
  • an only
  • the only
  • a only

Fill in the blank with the correct word.

  1. The Vice President _____ a meeting of the senior officers to discuss next year’s budget.
  • called
  • placed
  • made
  1. _____________, I will have the report done by next week.
  • Either I take on another job or not
  • Whenever I take on another job or not
  • Whether I take on another job or not
  • Neither I take on another job or not
  1. Now that Ms. Brecht has retired, we all agree it will be difficult to _____ her.
  • restore
  • renew
  • revive
  • replace
  1. If the hotel has no vacancy, you can stay with ____.
  • ours
  • our
  • we
  • us
  1. I will present first unless someone _____ the agenda.
  • will change
  • changes
  • would change
  • will have changed


  1. ____ almost time for us to leave.
  • Its
  • Its’
  • It’s’
  • It’s